My Favorite CD
I visited Blue Note Tokyo for the first time in a really long time to see Michel Camilo’s solo performance. I love his piano. I am so glad that he was the first artist I heard at Blue Note in about 2 years since COVID-19 started. He is a man whose entire being is made of music, smiling the whole time he plays, and at the end of every song, he always stood up and had a smug look on his face. I can only say, “What a surprise! You really got me.” I felt a catharsis as I became one with Michel even though I was not playing myself. This is live music of the highest quality.
This time, I would like to introduce a cathartic jazz live album without any questions asked.
First, let’s start with an album that makes you wonder if this is really a jazz concert.
Moanin’ with Hazel – Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers
This 3-CD live album is packed with funkiness like a bread with red bean paste with the thinnest crust possible. This time, I introduced “Moanin’,” which is famous for Hazel’s scream at the end of Bobby Timmons’ piano solo, but the audience was so excited from the first song “Politely” that the audience’s voices were heard throughout the show. In the first song, “Politely,” at the end of the song, the audience started singing. I was tempted to say, “Oh, come on, this is a jazz concert, isn’t it?” If an alien came and asked me what “Funky” is, I would recommend Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers, not James Brown, Sly, George Clinton, etc. There are many more Art Blakey related albums, and you can hardly go wrong with any of them, so you must listen to them if you see them!
Next, I would like to introduce this album, which can be said to be a classic of no-questions-asked live performance.
How High The Moon – Ella Fitzgerald
This Berlin Ella live is just fun. Ella is bursting and I don’t know it’s SWING or not, but anyway, the mood of the listener flies to the moon. Ella’s voice speaking in MC is cute, so it’s also worth listening to!
Next up is an album full of the dodgy smell of jazz.
A Night In Tunisia – Sonny Rollins
This is the first live album recorded at the Village Vanguard, which is now one of the most sacred places of jazz in the world, and it is also Sonny’s first live album. Sonny is amazing, having played his first live album without any chordal instruments, just with saxophone, bass, and drums. I’ve never been to the Village Vanguard (wish to visit somedayI), so I don’t know what it’s like, but when I hear this album, I definitely feel like the Village Vanguard must be on basement. Leaking from the basement, Sonny’s no-questions-asked ad-libs and Elvin Jones’ funky rhythms. Well, I really wish I could meet them in real life if I could be reborn.
Now, on to the next one, Swing Without Question!
From Stan Getz’s live album that were made of only Swing. Haruki Murakami wrote, “But for me, in the end, Scott Fitzgerald was the Novel and Stan Getz was the Jazz.” (Haruki Murakami, Portrait in Jazz).
Move – Stan Getz
The moment the drum solo at the end of this song, the audience shouted “hyahohoho” like Michael Jackson. I understand the feeling very well. When you listen to this live album, you should shout “hyahohoho” with him!
Next, from this live album, which is “the Jazz” for me, I would like to introduce a song made famous by one of the previous morning dramas in Japan.
On the Sunnyside of the Street – Louis Armstrong and his orchestra
Anyway, for me, this is Jazz. Of course, I like Jazz like a knife that can cut you if you touch it, but Louis Armstrong is the Jazz I need, it just exists to entertain us without any questions, and affirms all our useless days. The duets between Louis and Jack Teagarden, aka Big T, are also a highlight of this album. I love to hear Louis and his friends talking and laughing in places.
The last song is not a live performance, but the title alone fits the theme well.
No Room For Squares – Hank Mobley
Yes, in short, This time theme is “No Room For Squares “.
Now, as usual, I’ll end with a song of my own. It’s not jazz at all, but the lyrics are positive, no questions asked, so I chose this song. I wrote this song just on the spur of the moment!
Kaneko’s Song of the Day
A Guinness World Record of chatting Lyrics: KANEKO Chalin
I had a big fight with you about which is a better the Police or Van Halen’ drummer
We had a race in a big bathroom over who could whistle the Stranger better
It is amazing when we made a casserole with cup noodles powder
We danced and chugged a bottle of expensive brandy of our senior
We talked and drunk and drunk and talked and there was still what we talk
The amount of time we are chatting may be like a Guinness World Record
How much time left, I don’t know
The goal that we have reached is no longer a goal
All I want to do is to roll
Soul to soul
We walked home two stations for no reason in the midnight in the middle of winter.
Jumping from a puddle to a puddle like little boys and girls.
When I woke, I found your shadow of still playing TV game in the morning light
Just to make girls laugh, we used to watch comedy all night