Short narrative of a music lover Vol.4 Everything about it is a love song – Paul Simon

Short narrative of a music lover Vol.4 Everything about it is a love song - Paul Simon

My Favorite CD

Most of my favorite living musicians are over 60 years old. (Most of favorites are no longer alive.) Musicians who die young stay young and cool, but musicians who grow old almost all become dandy.
A few years ago, I went to a Bob Dylan concert on his live house tour. I was surprised that he never played guitar, but sang only with a microphone, and sometimes playing not so good keyboards, but what surprised me more was that he mainly played songs from his new album “Tempest”, and few of the so-called well-known songs. It was like, “Listen to my new songs!” It was very dandy. They finally played “Blowin’ in the wind ” at the end of the show, but it was arranged so much that it didn’t sound like the original song at all (as usual) and I had to ask my friend “this is “Blowin’ in the wind”?” Bob is always so cool. I once experienced a concert at the Budokan in Japan which he didn’t utter a single word, except for singing.
Let’s start with “Tempest”.


Paul Simon is always cool and dandy. He has introduced me to new music many times. Jamaica, South Africa, Brazil. No matter what kind of music he plays, he creates beautiful melodys, intelligent lyrics, a variety of rhythms and it is always the music of Paul Simon. The rhythms and arrangements of “Surprise” were surprise as the title of the album. He was born in 1941,so and this album were created in 2006, when he was 65. Boldly programming rhythms and his arrangements proved the fact that he was still creating new sounds at 65. I have a long way to go.

Everything about it is a love song – Paul Simon

Dr. John, who was the same age as Paul Simon, was cool, dandy and shady. 2001’s ‘Creole Moon’ was the coolest thing ever. This is New Orleans Funk! A 60 years old man poking his skeletal cane and playing some of the funkiest music around. I’ve been to many of his gigs and he’s always shady and cool. I once saw him at the Blue Note in right front of his piano, and after he played I found that he had left a handwritten list of songs on the monitor speaker. I took it home and kept it as a heirloom, but was that a bad idea? Well, it was a long time ago, and Dr. John has gone to heaven, so he can forgive me.  

You Swore – Dr.John

Finally, I’d like to introduce you to a musician who appears in one of my songs. It was used as an analogy of a song that an old man often sings. The Beatles are now more than 50 years old. It’s hard to believe. I wonder if there will soon be a “Rubber Soul 250th Anniversary Edition”, just like the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. Well, You might not believe it, but this is the one I like best of many many his good songs.

Instant Karma! – John Lennon

Finally, here’s my song. The lyrics are comical, but it’s a serious true story. I’m still a child, I’m not grown up, I’m not going to be a dandy cool man. One day I’d like to be a Dandy Cool Man like Clapton. My BandLab mate Maha has arranged a version of the song that makes my old-fashioned country tune cool and dandy, so today I’ll introduce that version.

Kaneko’s Song of the Day

Dandy Cool Man
Lyrics: Kaneko Chalin

You may be right
I may be wrong
I lost my control right after gong
Maybe I had talked too long
I am not going to be a dandy cool man

I may be wrong
You may be right
Was it a mistake that I turned off light
Maybe you just want to get high
I am not going to be a dandy cool man

Ah, dandy cool man
Ah, dandy cool man
Teach me how to dance

You may be too young
I may be too old
I tell you a story that once I told
Every joke I tell makes you cold
I am not going to be a dandy cool man

I may be too old
You may be too young
I hum a song John Lennon sang
I take out cash at the counter of bank
I am not going to be a dandy cool man

Ah, dandy cool man
Ah, dandy cool man
Teach me how to dance

An Usual Miracle - KANEKO Chalin